Former Under Secretary of the Treasury Mr. John Tylor Gave Speech on Fiancial Crisis美国前副财长泰勒教授对中国代表团
Former U.S. Secretary of State Mr. George Shultz Discussed Current Events with Chinese Delegates 美国前
USCEC Promotes Professional Exchanges Program on Chinese Traditional Medicine USCEC促进美国加州中医药与中国同行的
2008 China State Council Delegation Study Public Policy In Stanford 2008 中国国务院系统赴美国斯坦福大学公共政策研究班开学
Chinese Official Delegation Participated in U.S. Federal Government Performance Evaluation Summit fo
"My Experience as Class Monitor at Stanford University" by Deputy Director-General of Work
National Audit Office of China Delegation Successfully Completed Highly-specialized Training Program
San Jose State University Leadership Arranged Visit to China by USCEC in 2006协会和美国加州圣何塞州立大学代表团2006年访
China Press Reports on USCEC's Training Program 美国《侨报》对中国培训团的报道