USCEC Leadership Visited Long-term Partner Zhixin School in Guangzhou USCEC理事长与副会长拜会执信中学校长
Invited by the principal of Zhixin School, USCEC leadership re-visited the most prestigious middle school in Guangzhou, China during the...
USCEC Leadership Visited Long-term Partner Zhixin School in Guangzhou USCEC理事长与副会长拜会执信中学校长
USCEC Visited Partnering Schools to Discuss Education Exchange Programs 拜会加州合作中学领导讨论创新教育项目
Mr. Steven Owyang and “Friends of Roots” 美国加州法官欧阳如展先生拜访USCEC并介绍“寻根之友”项目
Zhixin School Students Enjoyed a Rewarding Summer Camp in California 执信中学2017年美国夏令营顺利闭幕
Sister School MoU Signed
Middle School Students from Hunan Province Spent a Fun Summer in SF Bay Area 美中协会组织湖南中学生赴美参加多彩夏令营
Students from the Most Prestigious School in China Completed the 3-week Summer Camp in the U.S. 执信中学
Lushan International School from Hunan Province Send 70 Students to SF Bay Area for Summer Camp 湖南麓山
Summer Camp at San Leadro High 难忘在美国圣里安德鲁高中的“留学之旅”