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SinoMach “Smart Manufacturing and Scientific and Technological Innovation" Training Program


In September, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council, the delegation from China Machinery Corporation (a.k.a. Sinomach) had a two-week training at UC Berkeley and Stanford University to learn about the most advanced theories and technologies in manufacturing as well as innovation strategies and leadership for future manufacturing leaders. During the two-week training, they also visited top industry leaders such as GE Digital to learn about smart manufacturing and industrial internet of things to better their management and research to upgrade existing manufacturing and excel in the industry.

2016年11月美国美中交流协会成功接待安排了由中国机械工业集团有限公司培训中心组织的 2016年“智能制造与科技创新领军人才赴美国加州伯克利大学和斯坦福大学” 的培训安排与全程接待。就“智能制造技术创新趋势”、“工业物联网技术与布局”、“科技创新战略部署”、“企业快速转型”以及“转型创新领导力”等主题,来自国机集团的高管们在全球最佳公立大学-加州伯克利大学以及号称硅谷诞生地-斯坦福大学聆听了众多著名教授的专业讲座;并参访了全球著名制造业公司,与公司高管们座谈交流就如何研发部署下一代制造业与工业物联网技术与基础设施、转型升级传统制造,打造智慧制造领先企业进行了深入的研讨 。在紧凑丰富的两周培训学习中,集团各所属企业中青年领导者学习热情高涨,与教授及业界公司高管探讨热烈,学习研究系统有序,收获颇丰,借鉴意义深远

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