Leaders of the SAFEA Successfully Visited San Francisco
On November 18, 2016, SAFEA's Deputy Director Mr. Ming Lu, Director of the Training Department Mr. Yonghui Deng, Director of the Training Center Mr. Mahua Kuang, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office in San Francisco Mr. Fanping Yi, and Division Director of the Foreign Affairs Office in San Francisco Mr. Lei Shi visited San Francisco at the invitation of the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and the United States-China Exchange Council (USCEC). USCEC arranged the delegates' visits to two renowned American universities and its headquarters. The first stop was UC Berkeley, the world's most prestigious American public university, where they met with university leaders and departments to discuss potential collaborations in academic, training, scientific research, and technological development. They then visited Stanford University, a world-renowned private research university, and held discussions with university leaders and professors on the latest innovative theories and executive training programs. The delegation concluded their visit by stopping at USCEC headquarters, where Mr. Lu commended the council's training work and contributions over the years. The visit was accompanied by Dr. Andy Ge, Vice President, Ms. Willa Wu, Chairwoman, and Ms. Angela Shen, Director of Strategic Business Development of the USCEC.
应美国伯克利加州大学和美国美中交流协会邀请,中国国家外专局陆明副局长、培训司邓永辉司长、培训中心旷马华主任和外专局驻旧金山办公室的易凡平会长、石磊处长等领导于2016年11月18日抵达美国旧金山访问。在美中交流协会的精心安排下,代表团访问了美国著名的两所大学以及美国美中交流协会总部。代表团首先访问了世界上最富盛名的美国公立大学—伯克利加州大学,与大学和院系领导会面、座谈交流,就伯克利加州大学 的学术、培训、科研及技术发展等合作课题进行了讨论。接着访问了世界著名 研究型私立大学—斯坦福大学,与校方领导和教授探讨了大学最新的创新理论和高管培训项目。然后,陆局长一行访问了美国美中交流协会总部,并对协会多年来的培训工作给予了高度的评价和充分的肯定。美国美中交流协会副会长葛滨博士和伍微娜副理事长、Angela等人陪同代表团圆满完成了美国旧金山的访问活动。