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China Railway Corporation visited the U.S.中国铁路总公司“铁水联运最新发展“培训顺利完成


In November, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council, the delegation from China Railway Corporation arrived in the U.S. to learn about the latest development in maritime-rail inter-modal transportation. Arranged by USCEC, the delegation visited major inter-modal ports in San Francisco Bay Area and New Jersey, corporate partners, state freight transportation agencies, and research institutes. These meetings have deepened the understandings between major players in inter-modal transpiration in the two counties, paving the way for future dialogue and partnership.

2016 年11月,中国铁路总公司一行24位 代表, 应美国美中交流协会的邀请,来到美国旧金山湾区和纽约大都会地区进行了为期三周的培训参访。 在美国美中交流协会的精心安排下, 代表团访问了湾区与纽约的著名集装箱联运码头,州立铁路规划机构,著名高科技公司和联运业界知名公司, 听取了加州大学伯克利分校教授, 和前沿研究机构专家的授课,全方位,多层次地了解了美国联运发展的现状,和未来趋势。

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