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Capital Normal University Students Learn How Teachers Teach in the Bay Area 中国首都师范大学毕业生赴美实习项目1

Education majors from Capital Normal University, the most prestigious normal university in China, arrived in the Bay Area to intern in local high schools. This is the last the most important intern experience for these 26 graduate students, who are going to be assigned to middle/high schools across China in August and become much teachers.

They spent the first week taking lectures from seasoned education professors in California State University, and visiting pioneer high schools in the Bay Area. After that, they will be assigned to three school districts in California for a three-week teaching assistant internship.

中国新年刚过,首都师范大学教育系26名研究生在老师的带领下来到旧金山湾区开始由USCEC承办的4周实习项目。 在第一周首师大的同学们到达第一周,在美国加州州立大学听取了一流教育导师和教授对于美国先进教学法的讲授和演示, 并拜访了湾区推行创新教育法的先锋学校,收获甚丰。 接下来的三周, 同学们将被分配到加州三大学区,跟着美国中学的老师进行3周教师实习。

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