China Merchants Group Training Program in Harvard & MIT 招商局集团2018哈佛麻省理工学院高管培训团
China Merchants Group-a global Fortune 500 and 146-year old state-owned enterprise had organized their second top executive training in August 2018 with USCEC’s arrangements at Harvard University and MIT after their 2017 training delegation in 2017. Apart from meetings at Microsoft Technology Center at Boston and GE headquarters as well as MIT media lab, they also have in-depth lectures by speakers from Harvard and MIT including former US assistant secretary, inspiring them and providing them new mindset and strategic directions in the new age of digital transformation.
全球500强企业146年历史的第一家中国央企招商局集团高管培训团继2017年“一带一路领军人才创新发展能力研发”于硅谷圆满结束后,于2018年8月在哈佛大学与麻省理工学院进行了为期两周的“新时代企业家能力培养”高管培训团并深度参访了微软公司波士顿创新中,GE通用电气波士顿总部,以及MIT Media Lab麻省理工学院媒介实验室等。课程教授包括美国前助理国务卿等。为新时代、数字化转型中的大型央企开拓了新思路,新方向。